Monday, November 16, 2009
Children and T.V.
The time that children spend sitting in front of a T.V. is the highest it’s ever been, why? Not only are the children lazy, but so are the parents. The parents think it’s a good idea to stick their kids in front of a T.V. when they have nothing better to do with them. Not all T.V. is bad; some is educational and can sometimes help in the long run.
Not only are they spending time watching T.V. they are also playing video games. A lot of video games involve violence, which can sometimes lead to violence in the children’s behavior. The more they play and watch, the more they are expected to have bad behaviors.
“Kids ages 2 to 5 spent an average of 3 hours and 47 minutes a day watching television in the fourth quarter of 2008, up from 3 hours and 40 minutes in the fourth quarter of 2007, according to Nielsen. Older children watched an average of 3 hours and 20 minutes a day, up from 3 hours and 17 minutes.” This means that kids are missing out on everything else in their lives. 2 to 5 year olds should be running around outside as much as possible, or playing with their little toys. They are the most likely to follow whatever is happening on the screen. Older children are also missing out. This means there is less time to spend studying or doing homework, and if old enough, a stable job. I myself never watch T.V. anymore, although when I was little, I went through a stage of doing nothing but playing video games, violent video games at that. But the video games have not had a big enough impact on my life to where I’m a violent person.
T.V. is also shown during elementary schools. I recall having to sit in the cafeteria at a young age and having to remain silent so everyone could watch Reading Rainbow, which was supposedly an educational show. Also in restaurants, there is TVs. In Colton’s there are 6 TVs total, for the guests to watch while they enjoy their dinner. Also, while sharing the family dinner at home sometimes, the family comes into the kitchen just to get their food and then disperse out among the house to all watch different shows, not spending bonding time that they could together.
Spending more than a day a week watching T.V. is just a little bizarre. There are so many things that kids are missing out on that could be life changing to them. They just need parents and other help from friends to step away from the T.V. just for a few hours a day that they usually watch it, and do something productive.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
The Awakening
Check out the map below to see the diction Chopin uses in the sentence. Just click on the bubbles to read our analyses. If the map does not display, you can view it at Umapper.
Below is another umapper containing a tone thesis and a look into the imagery of our sentence. If this umapper is not working then please view it here.
Last but not least, we have a look into the syntax of Chopin's sentence in the novel The Awakening. Below is a view mapper and a regular jpeg to view the syntax. Once again, if this umapper does not work please view it here.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009 or illegal?
“Doctors also warned against overuse of marijuana, believing that too much consumption caused impotence, blindness and ‘seeing devils’." - Patrick Stack and Claire Suddath
Everyone hears stories about marijuana and what’s good and bad about it, that’s all a lot of people have to talk about. But does everyone really know the good and the bad? Or do they know just the good or the bad to make their point look stronger? Marijuana does have good and bad side effects, if taken the right or wrong way. Someone can take it for medical purposes, good side effect, or someone cause just abuse the power they have for it, bad side effect.
13 states in the U.S. have legalized marijuana for medical uses. According to County district attorney Steve Cooley it is estimated that there are about 1,000 illegally operated marijuana shops in LA alone. So why can’t authority find them if they know that there is illegal marijuana business going on and stop them? Or better yet, legalize it and get tax money of it. Marijuana was legal until 1914 and only became illegal to try and get cocaine and other substances under control, but not all marijuana smokers did other drugs. People do other drugs just do to other drugs.
Birdseed producers are still allowed to use hemp seeds to put in bird food because they claim that “it gives their feathers an extra shiny gloss.” The only condition to them using the seeds is that they have to be treated so that they can not grow once they make it to the ground, but what would happen if the treatment happens to not work on some of the seeds? Would the person that owns the land that the seeds fell in get punished? That’s definitely something that hasn’t been well thought out.
Many argue that smoking cigarettes is worse than smoking pot, and vise versa. Smoking anything in general is bad for anyone, it doesn’t matter what it is. Someone could smoke paper if they wanted to and it’s still not going to be good for heath issues.
I understand that marijuana has been illegal now for awhile, but was also legal for quite sometime before that. Why only legalize it again for medical purposes when it is also still being sold illegally? That’s extra money that the government could have because that’s what they are all about. Should marijuana be legal or illegal? And if it’s illegal, it should all be illegal, not used just for special purposes in medical fields and bird food.